Hello, hello!
As an official fan of “l’apéro” as we say in French (you know this time when you gather with friends or family, and have good drinks and appetizers 😉 ), I will give you today a very easy recipe, a simple recipe, a highly appreciated recipe…
Let’s make parmesan and black olives savory shortbread biscuits.
This recipe is the one you’re going to make when you just have a few minutes ahead of you, that you can freeze very easily when the pastry isn’t already cooked and that you will enjoy just like this or with something good to spread on!! 😉
For the spreading part, you already have quite the choice here on the blog! A good tapenade, which will remind the olive of the shortbread biscuits, a guacamole, tuna rillettes, a red pepper cream or cream cheese. This list isn’t complete as it is and if you have good ideas to share, please write them down in the comment section of this article. 🙂
You are going to make the pastry, then leave it to rest in your fridge (cold is really key for a good pastry), then you will spread it (very cold again otherwise it will crumble a bit), you will shape your biscuits with a cutter and you will cook them. That’s what I call an easy recipe!
I made this recipe based on the thyme shortbread biscuits that I make all the time (I always have raw thyme shortbread pastry in my freezer, ready to be cooked!!), I made a few adjustments and voilà!!
This pastry can also be the one used for a savory veggie summer tart for example! A nice change to the usual savory shortcrust pastry …
The utensils:
A food processor,
A rolling pin
And a cutter (here the range of fluted round pastry cutters by De Buyer).
(Presentation: Bahia bleu de roche cutting board by Degrenne)
Shall we now?
The recipe, Chef!
Mix the soft butter with the flour, Parmesan cheese, baking powder and thyme leaves until you get an homogeneous mixture. Add the egg yolks, the milk and mix. Chop roughly the olives with a knife and add to the pastry. Spread between 2 baking sheets until you get 0.5 cm thickness. Set aside in your fridge for 1 hour. Preheat your oven at 200 degrees. Cut with 4 cm diameter steel cutters in order to get 40 to 50 pieces. If your pastry begins to be too soft, put back in your fridge for a few minutes. Cook for 10 to 12 minutes.Parmesan and black Olives savory Shortbread Biscuits
Wednesday January 22nd, 2020 at 09:43 PMUne chouette idée ces sablés salés !
Thursday January 23rd, 2020 at 06:41 PMMerci beaucoup !!
Valerie Ho
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 at 07:16 AMIs the butter to flour ratio correct? Very fiddly dough mixing softened butter to flour. Had to freeze dough for 30mins before rolling it out, freeze again after rolling, cut, then freeze again just before it goes into the oven. I had the oven on 400F and it took 16mins to cook. Biscuit totally lost its shape due to high butter content. Taste was ok.
Tuesday October 19th, 2021 at 08:04 AMHi Valerie,
Yes the ingredient quantities are correct. This dough needs to be very cold indeed when you roll it but the biscuits shouldn’t have lost their shape. Maybe add less baking powder if you make it again.
Sunday November 28th, 2021 at 08:15 PMBonjour,
Mes sablés n’ont pas gonflé. J’ai pour habitude de faire des “boudins” et couper des tranches plutôt que emporte pièces. Cela change t’il quelque chose? Le goût était toutefois très bon même si je rajouterai un peu de parmesan la prochaine fois ?. L’idée des olives c’est top.
Sunday November 28th, 2021 at 08:49 PMalors je mets peu de levure donc ça gonfle un peu mais pas beaucoup. Essayez avec un peu plus de levure la prochaine fois 😉
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 at 08:57 PMBonjour
Combien de temps peut-on garder la pâte au congélateur.
Combien de temps peut-on conserver les Biscuit cuit.
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 at 09:08 PMBonsoir Sophie, la pâte se gardera bien 3 mois au congélateur. Et les biscuits cuits peuvent tenir 2-3 jours dans une boîte en métal. 😉
Sunday January 29th, 2023 at 06:58 PMBonjour .
Pour congeler la pâte : devons-nous la pré découper ou nous pouvons la congeler en boule?
Merci par avance
Monday January 30th, 2023 at 07:32 AMles deux sont possibles ! 😉