Chocolate/ Sweet Snacks/ Breakfast

The Chocolate Kouglof

Aww… Grandpa, don’t be mad at me please…

My grand-father had hands made for kneading dough. He used to bake amazing kouglofs, the famous Alsatian brioches. With his hands. Not with a great food processor that enables you vernish your nails while the dough is being kneaded…

So my grand-father , as a true Alsatian, wouldn’t probably have accepted my version of the kouglof… the chocolate kouglof…

One thing is sure, a true Alsatian will always tell you that a kouglof is made with raisins and almonds. That’s it!

Yep… it’s true. It has such a great taste, it feels like childhood again, bite after bite! But two of my children don’t like raisins. And that’s a real issue!!!

How could I possibly accept to have kids who don’t eat kouglof??!! Dear Lord, help me here!!!

So I decided to cross the red line and make a few changes to my usual recipe. I needed to make a kouglof that would make everyone happy and mouthwatering!! 😉

Chocolate is always the answer…

Chocolate … and my Gruau D’Or flour ….

Now, I just have to list the necessary utensils and we can move to the kitchen!

My kMix by Kenwood to avoid arm cramps!!

And a terracotta mold!! (the metal ones work too)

And you will get a delicious Alsatian brioche…

Shall we now?

The recipe, Chef!

The Chocolate Kouglof

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Serves: 10-12 Difficulty: Medium Price: $
Cooking Time: 5 hours


  • 5 g yeast powder
  • 35 g water at 20 degrees
  • 50 g flour
  • 60 g chocolate chips
  • Almonds
  • 225 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • 125 g slightly warm milk
  • 40 g sugar
  • 4 g salt
  • 65 g soft butter



In your food processor bowl, mix the water and yeast with a spatula. Pour the 50 g of flour and make a little dough. This is your leaven.


Cover the leaven with 225 g of flour without kneading! Let it rest for half an hour in a warm and rather humid place. The flour should be as on the picture below the recipe.


After 30 minutes, add the egg, the soft butter, the sugar, salt and milk in the bowl.


Knead for 7 minutes at low speed (2 on a scale from 1 to 6) then 3 minutes at higher speed (4 on a scale from 1 to 6). At this point the dough should come off the bowl.


If not, add one tablespoon of flour and knead again for 2-3 minutes. Start again if needed.


Add the chocolate chips to your dough and knead at low speed.


Cover with a linen and place in a warm and rather humid place for approximately 1h30. The dough should be twice as big.


Butter and flour your mold. Place the almonds.


Spread some flour on your workplan. Place the dough and work it gently in order to remove the gas. Make a ball shape.


Place the dough in your mold, cover with the linen and set aside in a warm and rather humid for 2 hours.


When your dough is puffy enough, preheat your oven at 170 degrees.


Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.


Unmold as soon as you remove the mold from the oven and let cool down on a grid.

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  • Reply
    Marie Laure Lavier
    Sunday December 6th, 2020 at 03:43 PM

    J’ai les mêmes enfants que vous chère Emmanuelle… mes filles n’aiment pas les raisins secs. Ce kouglof a régalé tout le monde au petit petit-déjeuner et me rappelle mes années étudiantes à Strasbourg ! Merci pour vos excellentes recettes !

    • Reply
      Sunday December 6th, 2020 at 03:58 PM

      Avec grand plaisir Marie-Laure !! Passez un beau mois festif ! <3

  • Reply
    Monday May 20th, 2024 at 06:22 PM

    Je viens de faire votre recette aujourd’hui, et, même sans robot, ça a très bien fonctionné! J’ai pu faire un grand moule et un petit; deux beaux kouglofs bien gonflés et très moelleux! Merci beaucoup pour les instructions très claires, on va se régaler !

    • Reply
      Monday May 20th, 2024 at 06:58 PM

      Quel plaisir de lire un tel commentaire !! Merci à vous !

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