Celebration/ Gastronomi/ Meat & Fish

Chicken with Morels

Often, the meals I cook come with a story…

This one is one of those.

It all started with an amazing wine, the “Chateau-Neuf du Pape”, Chateau de Beaucastel from the Perrin family domain. My husband had bought one bottle of this wine. Looking for the best match between meal and wine, the domain owners suggested to savor it with a chicken with morels. It was the first time…

Since then , it is one of my favorite celebration meals, a meal that the whole family and the many friends, who have tasted it, enjoy very much… And always with a nice bottle of Chateau-Neuf du Pape, Chateau de Beaucastel. Some dishes a worth being sublimated.

Now, you could say it looks pretty awesome, just give us the recipe. Well… no.

Why? God, why???

Actually because I really thought that my cooking was pretty nice the way I did it so far. Because my husband always gave me that look that would mean “good job” my darling! Because I hadn’t discovered the morel Grail. Now, it’s done!

I was lucky enough to discover the morels from Terres & Sauvagines, morels coming directly from Patagonia, in the heart of South America. Morels that have been hand picked, cleaned, dryed and packed with a specific knowhow, a guarantee for exceptional products!! An origin that ensures a clean environment for a rare and delicate mushroom. And this is no surprise that Terres & Sauvagines provides their morels to amazing places such as Georges Blanc, no less!

And bam! The magic works… A taste like no other, a perfect balance between the morels, the yellow wine from the Jura region (domain Berthet-Bondet) and the chicken fillet, tender as expected…

Smile on everyone’s face, empty plates, a piece of fresh bread to finish the delicious sauce… Don’t you agree? I had to share that with you…

Now, the recipe, Chef!

Chicken with Morels

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Serves: 6 Difficulty: Medium Price: $$$
Cooking Time: 1 hour 30 min


  • 6 chicken fillets or thighs
  • 40 g dried morels
  • 5 cl Cognac
  • 25 cl yellow wine
  • 10 cl cream
  • 2 shallots
  • 20 g butter
  • 1 l chicken broth
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Ground ginger
  • Curcuma powder



Soak the morels for 15 minutes in 25 cl cold water.


Cook the chicken with butter in a stewpan until golden on each side. Set aside.


In the same stewpan, cook the shallots until golden.


Pour the cognac. Right when it starts boiling, blaze with a match.


Add the yellow wine and boil.


Pour 25 cl of chicken broth, keep on boiling and add the chicken and the juice that comes with it.


Add salt and season with ground ginger and curcuma powder.


When the sauce thickens, add 25 cl of chicken broth.


When the sauce thickens again, pour the morels water (set aside the morels).


Keep cooking at medium heat (add broth if needed).


Add the morels and cook for another 15 minutes.


Before serving, add cream and check seasoning. Add pepper at the end.


If your sauce is too liquid, take a few, add cornstarch and put the mixture back into your stewpan. This dish is great with fresh tagliatelles or homemade puree.

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  • Reply
    Monday December 17th, 2018 at 01:31 AM

    Bonsoir Madame, votre poulet ferait la joie de mon époux pour Noël ! Je me demandais s’il était possible de le préparer la veille ? et comment le réchauffer au mieux ? ou bien, cela rendrait le plat trop sec ? Un immense merci !!!

    • Reply
      Monday December 17th, 2018 at 02:31 PM

      Vous pouvez bien entendu préparer ce plat la veille. Le jour J, vous réchauffez à feu doux, ce sera top ! La sauce empêchera de dessécher. La viande restera bien moelleuse. 😉

      • Reply
        Wednesday December 19th, 2018 at 12:41 AM

        Bonsoir, un immense merci pour votre si gentille réponse ! C’est top que ce plat puisse se préparer en amont ! Vous êtes extra !

        • Reply
          Wednesday December 19th, 2018 at 02:24 PM

          oh merci !!! c’est super gentil ça !!

  • Reply
    Sunday December 23rd, 2018 at 09:14 PM


    Pourriez vous m’indiquer le temps de cuisson du poulet ? Je vais tenter l’expèrience ! Merci ! Marie

    • Reply
      Monday December 24th, 2018 at 12:19 PM

      Bonjour Marie,
      La préparation prend 1h30 en tout. Il y a environ 1 heure de cuisson. Belles fêtes !

      • Reply
        Tuesday December 25th, 2018 at 03:26 PM

        Merci bcp pour votre réponse ! Tout le monde s’est régalé ! La sauce était divine. Je vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes.

  • Reply
    Thursday December 26th, 2019 at 07:09 PM

    Quelle réussite. J’ai suivi votre recette à la lettre. J’ai coupé mes deux poulets en morceaux avant cuisson, (poulets jaunes élevés en plein air). Ce vin jaune donne une saveur vraiment particulière. Et les morilles… Merci pour cette belle recette.

    • Reply
      Friday December 27th, 2019 at 09:22 AM

      J’en suis ravie !!! Passez une excellente fin d’année !

  • Reply
    Saturday March 5th, 2022 at 04:17 PM

    Bonjour madame,
    Est ce possible de faire flamber avec du Grand Marnier où cela va t-il beaucoup changer le goût? Et si on ne fait pas flamber du tout?
    Merci pour votre réponse!

    • Reply
      Sunday March 6th, 2022 at 10:56 AM

      oui c’est possible !

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