Celebration/ Sweet Snacks

Coconut Cookies

Huge discovery… My life is about to change…

I just made coconut cookies. Phew! It’s out! I said it!! I’m already feeling much better!!

I just made coconut cookies!!

Is the confinement making me nuts? Not necessarily!! 😉 I can go nuts for cuisine or pastry for no significant reason!!

You know, the thing is that the recipe is so simple, so (incredibly) delicious that I really wonder why I have missed it up to now!!

(Here my coconut cookies made with my piping bag and rose nozzle by De Buyer)

Heavenly!! My first batch (30 coconut cookies) lasted less than 4 hours on my working plan. So it’s true we are 5 people in confinement but still!! 4 hours!! We are going to be so fat at the end of it!!

(Here made with a teaspoon)

So now. The recipe…

Basically you will just need 3 ingredients: egg whites (I had plenty in my fridge), coconut powder (I had a pack in my cupboard just waiting and waiting) and caster sugar. Then it’s a piece of cake!! A great activity to do with the kids!!

I will immediatly add this recipe to my too many eggs whites or yolks post…

It’s good to keep two advices in mind: whisk the mixture with a double boiler and turn the baking tray at half time of cooking.

So why whisk the mixture with a double boiler? This step isn’t mandatory, that’s true. Yet, it will make your coconut cookies very moist inside, advice from chef Christophe Felder… 😉

And why turn the baking tray at half time of cooking? It’s to have a uniform golden color on the all sides of your cookie.

That’s it! You’re all set my friends!!

Let’s make some baking!!

The recipe, Chef!

Coconut Cookies

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Serves: 30 pces Difficulty: Super Easy Price: $
Prep Time: 8 min Cooking Time: 10 min


  • 200 g coconut powder
  • 150 g egg whites (4)
  • 160 g sugar



Preheat your oven at 210 degrees.


Mix all ingredients in a bowl.


Heat a bit of water in a sauce pan, then place the bowl on the sauce pan without touching the water. Whisk 3-4 minutes.


Pipe your coconut cookies on a baking tray.


Cook 10 minutes, turn the tray after 5 minutes of cooking.


Let cool down on a grid.

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  • Reply
    Wednesday April 1st, 2020 at 09:19 PM

    Ces rochers sont à croquer !

    • Reply
      Thursday April 2nd, 2020 at 08:21 AM

      Merciiiii !!

  • Reply
    Monday April 6th, 2020 at 02:19 PM

    Bonjour Emmanuelle, et merci pour cette recette anti-gaspi ! J’ai essayé de les pocher… sans succès ? qu’elle consistance doit avoir la pâte après avoir été battue sur la casserole d’eau chaude ?

    • Reply
      Tuesday April 7th, 2020 at 08:42 AM

      Bonjour ! La pâte va être assez compacte. Pour les pocher il faut prendre une grosse douille et surtout mettre de la pâte à mi-hauteur de la poche, pas plus.

  • Reply
    Tuesday May 5th, 2020 at 04:47 PM

    Bonjour sont trop bons merci pour votre recette !!!
    Pouvez vous m’envoyer une photo de votre douille ? Car j’ai fait avec une grosse douille mais ça n’allait pas

    • Reply
      Tuesday May 5th, 2020 at 05:05 PM

      Bonjour Isabelle, je ne peux pas vous joindre de photo ici. Mais il s’agit de la douille E8 De Buyer. 😉

      • Reply
        Wednesday May 6th, 2020 at 04:16 PM

        Ok merci pour votre réponse ?

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