Desserts/ Fruits/ Sweet Snacks

Fruit Crumble

Hi Foodies !

If I had to name one super easy dessert, it would definitely be the fruit crumble. I love this dessert whatever the fruits I put in. Apples, pears, apricots, plums, nectarines, mixed fruits… it’s always a delight!

And even if I bake this recipe all the time, I always need to check the exact quantities of sugar, butter and flour to bake my crumble. So I thought, if I need to check each time, maybe you do too… Hence the recipe today! 😉

As far as I’m concerned, I enjoy the fruit crumble lukewarm, maybe with a nice scoop of vanilla icecream… Maybe… At room temperature works for me too though!!

My favorite fruits for crumble are pears, apricots and “quetsches” (some kind of plum we grow in Alsace), which is a good thing! I can enjoy fruit crumble all year long! What about you? What’s your favorite?

My kids love it whit apples and chocolate chips (yes we do have the same addicition to chocolate!! There must be some genetic explanation here!! 😉 ).

You can make a few variations according to your tastes: add cinnamon with pears or apples, add 25 g of hazelnut powder or almond powder to the crumble batter when you bake a plum crumble for instance. Don’t hesitate to share your ideas!

Now, no need to discuss more, we want crumble. The recipe, Chef !

Fruit Crumble

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Serves: 6 Difficulty: Easy Price: $
Cooking Time: 45 min


  • 800 g fruits ready to be used (peeled, seeded, pitted)
  • 120 g butter at room temperature
  • 175 g sugar
  • 150 g flour
  • Optional: cinnamon, hazelnut powder, almond powder, chocolate chips...



Preheat your oven at 200 degrees.


Set your fruits cut in 2 cm pieces in your oven dish.


Mix the butter, sugar and flour until you get a sandy mixture. (I use my hands to do so, but you can also do it with a fork or a small spatula)


Crumble the mixture over the fruits.


Bake for 30 to 35 minutes.


Enjoy lukewarm or cold.


If you put hazelnut or almond powder, I recommend to put only 125 g of flour.




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  • Reply
    Wednesday November 13th, 2019 at 07:42 PM

    Bonsoir ! La recette est pourtant ultra simple. Mais j’ai besoin d’un conseil. Je mets les ingrédients qu’il faut avec les bonnes proportions, je mélange à la main mais le rendu n’est pas du tout sablonneux. Il se rapproche bien plus de la pâte sablée…
    Que changer ? Merci d’avance !!

    • Reply
      Wednesday November 13th, 2019 at 09:03 PM

      Bonsoir Claire, vous n’arrivez pas à obtenir une texture comme sur la photo ? Ça peut venir de la qualité du beurre. Mais ça ne devrait pas poser de problème après cuisson.

  • Reply
    Sunday May 10th, 2020 at 09:45 PM

    J’ai modifié légèrement cette recette, en rajoutant des amandes et moins de sucre:
    30 gr de poudre d amande donc 125 gr de farine
    100 gr de sucre uniquement
    Vanille en grain et surtout des amandes effilées par dessus pour le deco! C’était super bon!

    • Reply
      Monday May 11th, 2020 at 01:57 PM

      Formidable ! Merci Constance pour cette version très gourmande !

  • Reply
    Wednesday December 30th, 2020 at 02:00 PM

    Bonjour ,
    Je me posais une question au sujet du crumble aux pommes , vous ne faites pas du tout cuire vos pommes avant de mettre le tout au four?
    Merci pour tous vos précieux conseils , et bonne fin d’année ????

    • Reply
      Wednesday December 30th, 2020 at 03:36 PM

      Non les pommes sont crues 😉 Bonne fin d’année !

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