World Food/ Pasta & Rice/ Vegetables/ Vegan

Crispy Potatoes

OMG I want (need??) potatoes…

I want something tasty and comforting…

I want crispy potatoes…

When you want / need something, do not justify, do not hesitate, just cook it!! Let’s do this! Let’s make crispy potatoes!!

No long speech needed here. I will just say that I love to eat those crispy potatoes with a piece of grilled meat (here a rare cooked piece of beef), with lettuce, or with a prepared cream cheese… It’s so good!

Obvisouly, you will just need a few minutes to prepare this dish (you can also peel the potatoes if you prefer, even though I didn’t do it), and everybody loves it.

You will adjust the recipe as you feel like with the following additional ingredients: garlic, curcuma, yellow curry, ground coriander (and fresh one when serving), thyme, etc.

Do not hesitate to suggest your own versions in the comment section of this recipe!

The utensils:

A roasting pan,

A cutting board

And a sharp knife.

You get it, it’s a recipe that you can make hands in your pockets, eyes closed!! 😉

Time to start!

The recipe, Chef!

Crispy Potatoes

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Serves: 5-6 Difficulty: Super easy Price: $
Prep Time: 5 min Cooking Time: 40 min


  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 5-6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 stalks rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon red mild pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground ginger
  • Flower salt
  • Pepper



Preheat your oven at 200 degrees.


Wash the potatoes and cut them in 6 pieces lengthwise.


Place them in your roasting pan, add the olive oil, paprika, red mild pepper, ground ginger, flower salt and pepper.


Mix and add the rosemary stalks on top.


Cook 35 to 40 minutes (mix after 20 minutes).


And serve!

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  • Reply
    Tuesday November 26th, 2019 at 04:53 AM

    Bonsoir !
    Est-il possible de les faire en avance ? Si oui, combien de temps on peut les conserver? Cela va T il perdre de son goût au moment de les faire réchauffer ?
    Merci beaucoup!!

    • Reply
      Tuesday November 26th, 2019 at 07:22 AM

      Bonjour ! J’ai envie de vous dire que oui car il m’arrive souvent d’avoir des restes que je réchauffe. En revanche, vos potatoes risquent d’être moins croustillantes …

  • Reply
    Wednesday December 4th, 2019 at 08:21 PM

    C’est extra bon ! Mais avec des pdt du jardin fraîchement cueillies et des herbes du jardin… c’est carrément une tuerie !
    L’idéal c’est de mettre huile et épices ou herbes et pdt dans un sac zip bien fermé si ça doit attendre. Et en plus, ça attends très bien dans un four tiède (100°).
    Ma recette préférée quand j’ai des invités. Un seul problème : c’est tellement bon qu’il faut en prévoir des tonnes !

    • Reply
      Thursday December 5th, 2019 at 07:15 AM

      Oui c’est tout à fait vrai !!!

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