Basics/ Desserts

Gluten free Hazelnut Shortbread Pastry

Hello, hello!

Today I will introduce a basic gluten free pastry recipe.

Here is my gluten free hazelnut shrotbread pastry.

So as I always say for gluten free recipes, I strongly recommend to read carefully the stickers on the products packaging that you buy to make the recipes. You have to be vigilant.

This gluten free hazelnut shortbread pastry will be perfect for tarts or for a delicious number cake. I used it for that matter actually. The good point being that the whipped ganaches (chocolate or vanilla) are gluten free too.

So for a good looking dessert, it’s a brilliant idea!

As far as taste is concerned, it’s really close to the gluten version. Really good! And honestly, since it only takes 5 minutes to make it, it would be a shame not to enjoy it!

Let’s do this!

The recipe, Chef!

Gluten free Hazelnut Shortbread Pastry

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Serves: 1 pce Difficulty: Simple Price: €
Cooking Time: 5 min


  • 160 g rice flour
  • 70 g corn starch
  • 130 g butter at room temperature
  • 50 g hazelnut powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 125 g iced sugar
  • 2 egg yolks (approx 40 g)



If you use your Thermomix machine, put all the ingredients in the bowl and mix 20 seconds at speed 6. You can use your spatula to ease mixing.


If you use any other kind of food processor, put first the rice flour, salt,corn starch, hazelnut powder and sugar.


Cube the butter and mix medium speed until it resembles breadcrumbs.


Add the egg yolks until it comes together.


If you keep your pastry in the fridge, wrap it in clingfilm to avoid any drying.


For immediate and easy roll out, place it between 2 sheets of baking paper.


Enjoy !


If you make hazelnut cookies with this recipe or number cakes, spread your pastry, make your shapes and bake 13-15 minutes at 180 degrees. You can also make this recipe with almond powder. If your pastry is too crumbly, add one or two tablespoons of milk.

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  • Reply
    Thursday August 6th, 2020 at 05:54 AM

    Hi Emma, I just did a test-run of your recipe in preparation for making a cross shaped layered cream tart (like a number cake) for my daughter’s First Communion. It is delicious, but it spread out quite a bit when cooking, so lost the sharp edges I had cut. Is there a way to stop this from happening eg is ‘room temperature to oven’ or ‘fridge to oven’ better?
    I did it 6mm thick – is this too thick?
    Thanks so much!

    • Reply
      Thursday August 6th, 2020 at 07:43 AM

      Hi Linda, it’s true that when cooking the sharp edges disappear. But you can use a grater to shape them again 😉 And firdge to oven is always the best way to cook a pastry ! 🙂

  • Reply
    Saturday December 26th, 2020 at 07:45 PM

    Bonjour Emma
    merci pour ta recette.
    petite question avec ta recette combien de nombre je peut faire ?
    merci beaucoup

    • Reply
      Monday December 28th, 2020 at 08:51 AM

      Normalement 2 de 22 cm 😉

  • Reply
    Sunday June 2nd, 2024 at 03:44 PM

    Après 2 essais, la pâte est très collante. J’ai essayé au thermomix et au kitchen aid. Cette texture arrive après avoir ajouté l’œuf. Une idée de que faire ??
    Merci ??

    • Reply
      Monday June 3rd, 2024 at 07:29 AM

      Bonjour Ines,
      Cette pâte se travaille très froide, n’hésitez pas à la passer au congélateur qq minutes. Aussi, plus vous pétrissez la pâte plus elle va être collante. rajoutez un peu de farine si besoin

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