Appetizers/ Savory tarts/ Vegan

My Savory Number Cake

After my Number Cake, the sweet one, that I make with white chocolate and vanilla whipped ganache, with dark chocolate whipped ganache or with  lemon curd, here is finally my savory number cake!

It is possible that this recipe might become your aperitif or your buffet’s best friend…

It’s different from the usual fingerfood we have, it’s fresh, you can prepare it as you wish, in a word it’s a yummy idea!!

How to make it? So simple.

Here is the recipe for one number.

First you will have to make a thyme savory shortbread pastry. Leave it to rest a few hours in your fridge if you can, wrapped in cling film.

Then, spread it on a silicone mat or baking sheet. Make sure to have at least 5-6 mm thickness.

Make your templates with cardboard. You will find patterns to print here. Shape the number twice.

Remove the unnecessary pastry and cook 12 minutes at 200 degrees. (you can make individual shortbread savory cookies with the remaining pastry or freeze it for further use).

Let cool down on a grid.

In the meantime, prepare your toppings. I really enjoy red pepper cream, avocado cream, humus or fish rillettes (tuna, mackerel or salmon). You can also buy toppings such as a goat cheese and beetroot cream by Albert Ménès. So good…

Then you just have to pipe the toppings.

Place the first number on your serving plate. Make big “drops” with your piping bag and nozzle and cover the whole number. Place the second identical number on top and start piping again.

Make sure, if you have several toppings, to place them exactly as on the below number.

Finally, add raw vegetables for decoration, such as radish, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumber, etc…

Set aside in your fridge until time to enjoy!

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  • Reply
    Saturday November 24th, 2018 at 12:04 PM

    quelle belle idée

    • Reply
      Saturday November 24th, 2018 at 06:36 PM

      merci beaucoup !!

  • Reply
    Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 09:10 PM

    Bonjour ! C’est magnifique j’ai très envi de le réaliser.. j’ai une petite question .. combien de temps avant peut-on réaliser ce number cake salé ? Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse

    • Reply
      Thursday June 20th, 2019 at 09:25 PM

      Bonjour Jenni ! Merci beaucoup ! Alors, le point critique viendra des crèmes que vous allez mettre sur votre pâte. Si c’est à base d’avocat, la couleur va brunir et ce sera pas top top … Vous pouvez faire la pâte la veille (la cuire aussi), préparer les crème le matin (si c’est pour le soir), les filmer au contact pour éviter l’air en contact et pocher un peu avant de servir. 😉

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